DETAILS: Golden Age gay comic art catalog from Kris Studio's of Chicago (Chuck Renslow and Dom Orejudos [Etienne, Stephen]). Circa 1954. Profusely illustrated catalog. Has a gorgeous Etienne wrap-around cover. Interior pages present some of the finest gay comic art of the era. Included with the catalog is the original order form which was issued as an unstapled centerfold. Measures 5.5" x 8.5" inches with 12 pages (plus centerfold order form) We have searched the past 30 years of online sales history sites as well as OCLC academic institutional holdings and have been unable to find any copy of this title complete with the original issued order form. Of the three copies that appear, two are worn. BIOGRAPHY: Domingo Francisco Juan Esteban "Dom" Orejudos, Secundo (1933– 1991), also widely known by the pen names Etienne and Stephen, was an openly gay artist, ballet dancer, and choreographer, best known for his ground-breaking masculine gay male comic art in the 1950s. Along with artists George Quaintance and Touko Laaksonen ("Tom of Finland") – with whom he became friends – Orejudos' leather-themed art promoted an image of gay men as strong and masculine, as an alternative to the then-dominant stereotype as weak and effeminate. He is considered to be among the most important gay artists of the Post War Era. BACKGROUND: Kris Studios was founded by photographer Chuck Renslow and Dom Orejudos (Etienne) in 1952 as a physique photography studio that took photos for gay magazines they published. The studio was named in part to honor transgender pioneer Christine Jorgensen. Over time, the studio would expand to include a wide range of gay publications including the very first gay comic series courtesy of Orejudos gifted story telling art. The partnership would become among the most important gay photo studios and publisher of the Homophile Movement. GUARANTEE: We offer a lifetime guarantee on everything we sell to be authentic originals and as represented. They are not later re-issues or reproductions. We thoroughly inspect all of our items prior to listing to make certain they are authentic and guarantee their authenticity for the lifetime of the item. Oxxbridge Galleries Established 1987 Oxxbridge Galleries was founded in 1987 and specializes in vintage paper items with a particular focus on counter culture materials. We carry among the largest selection of fine art gay photographs, magazines and collectibles available anywhere online. We invite everyone to visit our store and view our entire inventory. J11203